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 Muse banned from Australia?[en]

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Join date : 2010-03-22
Age : 34

Muse banned from Australia?[en] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Muse banned from Australia?[en]   Muse banned from Australia?[en] Empty2010-12-20, 22:20

Muse Banned From Australia?
They could face legal action after smoking onstage…
10:40, Sunday, 19 December 2010

Muse face legal action in Australia and could be banned from the country for five years after lighting up during a concert in Melbourne.

Bassist Christopher Wolstenholme smoked several cigarettes during the gig at the Ron Laver Arena on 14 December, say reports. He apparently initially tried to hide his actions by only puffing when dry ice fog rolled over the stage, but by the end was smoking freely between songs.

A spokewoman for the venue said Muse were warned before the gig not to light up. “Officials spoke to the band before and after the show and we were extremely disappointed when they decided to flaunt our strict no-smoking policy,” Jo Juler said. “They are known as an anti-establishment style of performance group, but it was still sad that they decided to go ahead regardless.”

Officials were also angry that Matt Bellamy encouraged fans to “mosh out” during the set, a direct violation of the venue’s strict rules. Moshing is banned in the country following the death of a teenage girl during Limp Bizkit’s set at the Big Day Out festival in 2001.

A local gig promoter told The Sun that the band now faced a potential five-year ban: “These guys will never be allowed to perform again in Australia if they try it again. Doesn't matter how hot they are. The law is the law. Promoters won't get insurance for them – simple as that.”
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Muse banned from Australia?[en] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Muse banned from Australia?[en]   Muse banned from Australia?[en] Empty2010-12-20, 22:38

Bauda tai turejo gaut uz istatymu nesilaikima, bet del to uzdraust atvykt i australija penkiem metam, tikra nesamone.
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Pranešimų skaičius : 817
Join date : 2010-03-22
Age : 34

Muse banned from Australia?[en] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Muse banned from Australia?[en]   Muse banned from Australia?[en] Empty2010-12-20, 22:40

Aha, aš irgi taip manau. Bet čia tik gandas, tikrai nemanau kad jiems uždraus atvažiuot. Galų gale čia ne toks žiaurus nusikaltimas.
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Žino, kiek CD išleido Muse

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Muse banned from Australia?[en] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Muse banned from Australia?[en]   Muse banned from Australia?[en] Empty2010-12-21, 19:35

Aaai, aš tai mačiau kažkokį video kur Chris'as rūkė, bet pypkę ten kažkokią, nežinau ar Australijoj ten ar kur.
Bet su tuo atvažiavimu tai jo, keistai biškį...
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Muse banned from Australia?[en]
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