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 Daina "Hysteria" pripažinta turinti geriausią bosinės gitaros pariją [en]

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Daina "Hysteria" pripažinta turinti geriausią bosinės gitaros pariją [en] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Daina "Hysteria" pripažinta turinti geriausią bosinės gitaros pariją [en]   Daina "Hysteria" pripažinta turinti geriausią bosinės gitaros pariją [en] Empty2011-11-01, 00:44

Muse's 'Hysteria' voted best bassline of all time

Daina "Hysteria" pripažinta turinti geriausią bosinės gitaros pariją [en] MuseLeeds12AWH300811

Muse's 'Hysteria' has been voted as the track which features the best bassline of all time.

In a new poll conducted by, the bassline from the Devon trio's 2003 hit single came out on top, with Rush's 'YYZ' in second place.

Queen held the next two places in the top ten, with 'Another One Bites The Dust' and 'Under Pressure at Number Three and Four respectively. Pink Floyd were at Number Five with 'Money', while Metallica, Michael Jackson, Yes, The Who and Tool made up the rest of the Top 10.

Muse are currently in the studio working on their sixth studio album, which is due to be released in late 2012.

'Hysteria' features in NME's countdown of Muse's ten best videos. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click to watch the countdown in full.

The 10 best basslines of all time were named as follows:

1. Muse – 'Hysteria'
2. Rush – 'YYZ'
3. Queen – 'Another One Bites The Dust'
4. Queen and David Bowie – 'Under Pressure'
5. Pink Floyd – 'Money'
6. Metallica – 'Orion'
7. Michael Jackson – 'Billie Jean'
8. Yes – 'Roundabout'
9. The Who – 'My Generation'
10. Tool – 'Schism'

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Daina "Hysteria" pripažinta turinti geriausią bosinės gitaros pariją [en]
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